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I used to have a job where I earned salary and I had a boss who required that I do far more than my job description.
One day, something amazing happened. I got to the office and on the notice board was an inscription that says
“The only reason why you are permitted to come late or be absent from work is that you are dead and you are attending your funeral”.
Heck! Something in me died instantly. I felt that was the highest level of inconsideration and inhumanity. I began to think, what of emergencies, what if I was in an accident. They ain’t enough reasons not to be absent from work or even come late.
With all that happened, I began to think of how to transition successfully from that woman who was waiting for salary to come at the end of the month to becoming an entrepreneur and a business owner. I got the courage to resign after working for 3 years and 3 months.
I have heard a lot of people complain about how hard it is to transition successfully without an hitch from paid job to becoming business owners. Calm down and let’s go through this step by step.
- Ask yourself and come up with an answer to this question. What is the problem that I want to solve. The truth is that business is about problem solving. Based on your current abilities, skills, passion, things you do easily, what are the solutions you can give to certain problems. You have to start with something that resonates with you and can also generate some level of income.
- You have clearly identify the gap you are coming to fill in. This means you have to niche down. What do I mean? Let’s take for instance you want to go into catering, you will to niche down to either home delivery, Restaurant, outdoor catering, office delivery, baking. You will also have to narrow down to your target market. Ensure they are people who can pay for your services. Shine your vision and purpose, this will determine those you are serving.
- Set clear goals and picture yourself in that place you wish to be. Clearly ask yourself what you want to achieve. Never focus on the things you don’t like, that is recipe for disaster. Paint the picture of what you want and make it so real. Set SMART goals. Be clear on your offers and products and how much they will bring to you monthly. Plan out on how to attract and connect with your ideal clients. How would they buy from you again and again?
- Make decisions based on where you are going to and not where you are. Remember you want to be an entrepreneur, start thinking like one and not the salary earner you are right now. Entrepreneurs are hard workers, risk takers, goal getters. Don’t think like salary earner, whether business flourishes or not, salary is sure. The things you do, relationships you make should take you to a place of abundantly and fulfilment. The mind is a powerful place where you have to get everything right, anything short will affect every aspect of one’s life. Make decisions from success angle. You have to be, before you can do and before you can have.
- Hire a team to guide you step by step. If you don’t want to strife and struggle, hire someone who has done it successfully to guide you. I am not saying you should ask for their help but hire. When the ships are down, the team you hire will show you what to do and how to do it.
- Buildyour dream at your pace. Business is harder than working 9-5 but the difference is that you are working for yourself. All your efforts, sweat, losses and gain belongs to you. Working for someone is hard and working for yourself is hard, you have to choose your hard. Entrepreneurship is not for everyone. If you don’t have self motivation, can do spirit, perseverance and resilience, business is not for you. Just stick to your salary job. But if you think you deserve a better life than you currently have, start practicing the above tips.
Above all become more efficient at your day job, this will help you in working your dreams.
- Optimize your productivity, seize opportunities around you.
- Be humble enough to learn from those who are doing what you want to do.
- Build value packed relationships. Attend events, you need the right network for things to become a lot more easier with you.